A Women’s Circle

A year of committing to sacred connection, increasing your personal power & opening up to the limitless possibilities that exist.

2024 ENROLLMENT CLOSED. Stay tuned for the next Circle & it’s start dates!

This is for the Woman longing for a supportive community.

The Woman who seeks spiritual healing, knowledge, friendships.

The Woman seeking to begin to heal her relationship to self, the body & womb space.

For the Woman who wants to be able to tap into the wellspring of her being and utilize her magic to create the life of her dreams.

We will meet twice a month centered around the New and Full Moon cycles. You will receive:

-Specialty Readings & Sessions

-A Quarterly box of seasonal items

-A FREE Birthday Reading

-Bi-Weekly Collective Readings for the Circle

-Wellness Spells & Womb Healing Rituals

-Access to a private group chat

-Discounted Readings, Sessions & Packages - Exclusively Offered to the Women within the Infinite Waters Circle

-Teachings from Guest Speakers & MORE

During this Circle, you will have the unique opportunity to fully meet yourself on every level, while being supported by a group of intuitively-led Women. You will be guided to deep-dive within all facets of self and emerge renewed and whole.

Topics covered during the Circle include:

-How to live as a cyclical being

-Learning to honor and work with the phases of your menstrual cycle & pre/post menopausal guidance

-Connecting to the Divine Feminine & Masculine codes within

-Crafting with Intention: Rituals & Magick

-Working with your Shadow Self, Accepting and Healing your Inner Child

-Activating your Highest & Best Timelines

-Working with Mother Earth: Seasonal Practices

-Connecting to your Spirit Team & your Higher Self (Soul) from within yourself

Walk your personal Rites of Passage with Guidance, Community & Support.

  • Sacred Connection

    Connect with other Women who hold similar values and interests as you in a safe & sacred space. Within the Infinite Waters Circle, you will be seen, valued and heard with love. This is a space where Soul Family will meet.

  • Quarterly SWAG Bags

    You will get a quarterly box curated specifically for this year’s circle. In each Quarter, we will discuss the Totem Animal, Energy, Colors, Collective Themes & Releases. You will also get at least 3 special items to work with during each Quarter, such as: a crystal, smudge stick or a Crystalene Creations product.

  • 1-on-1 Sessions

    Exclusive Infinite Waters Circle Discount of 25% off on all Readings, Energy Work Sessions & Womb Wellness Packages.

    This includes Offerings like the Akashic Record Readings, Spirit Baby Readings, S. Assault Womb Healing Packages & MORE


  • I ask that you commit to attending each meeting (twice/month). That being said, I understand that life can be busy and things come up. If you cannot attend a meeting, let me know and I will record & send you the circle video and any notes/homework your way via email. I will do this a maximum of 3 times/quarter. Please do your absolute best to attend each Circle as a major key to this offering lies within the connections made within this community of Women.

  • You may not. This is a closed circle. Once registration is closed, we will have our set group of Circle Members. This is to ensure we are all receiving the full benefits of the Infinite Waters Circle and maintaining consistency within the group itself so that each individual can reach their highest potential quicker.

  • *Refer 5 people & get a 20% OFF discount toward any service or package.

    You may still redeem your referral bonus* (expires within a year) Unfortunately, it cannot be used in conjunction with your 25% Infinite Waters Circle Member discount on readings/sessions.

  • The Infinite Waters Circle is non-refundable. This is to ensure we maintain the same core group of Circle Members and that everyone has equal opportunity for growth through the experiences had within the Circle.